torsdag 9. september 2010

Our first two weeks

Since we just got this blog started, it's only fair that we give you a little update on what we've been up to for the past couple of weeks.

 This may come as a shock to you all, but we've been spending a lot of time at the beach ;)

Here's Bettina, working on her tan, drinking the 99 cents tap water while flirting with Shamu.
Can you see him?

We've had a couple of parties at our place, but since even our crappy Logitech speakers gave enough sound to make our hippie inspired, barfooted landlord a reason to stop by, we had to take a chill pill. No worries though, we just moved the pre-parties to our friends appartments :) When we go out, it's usually at Mooses, Senior Frogs or Varsity. We love our 1-dollar drinks and Long Island jugs.

The highlight so far, was definetly seeing the Warriors vs. the Trojans. Even though it was "only"  a college football game, there was a crowd of about 50 thousand people. The USC Trojans are ranked way higher, but the UH Warriors put up good a fight, so it was an exciting game! The bands, cheerleaders and halftime entertainment made the experience complete! We didn't really mind watching the hot players either ;)

After the game, Tarik got us a free limo ride to Varsity (bar).
We've got this entourage thing going ;)

Guess that's it for now. We had our first day of school today, and after 9 long hours, we're ready to hit the sack. Good night USA. Good day Norway :)

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