søndag 31. oktober 2010

Sometimes, the smart choice is sooo boring!

Let us draw you a picture: It's saturday night. It's supposed to be a full weekend of Halloween celebrations. The streets are filled with happy drunks in crazy costumes. All of our friends are out partying, but not us... Nop, we're staying in, rehearsing for midterms and doing assignments. What a fun night... Noooot!!

Definetly not a happy face...

...but popcorn makes it all better!

Time for a break: stretch out...

... and listen to "Her Kommer Vinteren"

In the end, we'll be happy we made the decision to have a study night. One day without school work, and we'll have to pay for it the rest of the week. We knew there were higher requirements in American colleges, but come on!! We've never worked this hard on anything in our lives! Well, good students today means craaaziness tomorrow!! That's when the real Halloween celebration is happening, and our expectations probably couldn't be any higher. Wish all of you could join us!!

fredag 22. oktober 2010

Halloween is coming up!

31th of October is only two weekends away, and we all know what that means... HALLOWEEN! In Norway we don't celebrate the same way as in the US, so we're really looking forward to this day! Americans go craaazy, and the word on the street is that all of Waikiki turns into a huge costume party. We can't wait - the only question is; what to wear?? We took a trip to Party City to find the perfect outfit.

"Spider pig, spider pig, does what ever a spider pig does"... said Homer! 

Just what we thought, Patrick and Andreas just being them selves. 

Why wear makeup when you can look just as pretty with a mask?!

Monkey say, monkey do!

Patrick has gone emo on us!

Watch out Mr. President! 

Opposites attract!?

Marilyn Monroe gone loony!

Andreas: "Red is SO my color" 

Arr arr, where's my Jack Sparrow?

We had so much fun just trying on costumes! Wonder what we bought?? Well, we'r not telling! Guess you just have to wait until the 31th! Sorry ;)


As some of you might know, I (Anniken) has a press pass to the Hawaii International Film Festival. Because of this, I'm able to attend 26 showings, and I have to write at least 4 pieces. Today I took Andreas, Odd Martin and Lisa with me, to see the motion picture "Conviction". Ignorant about the fact that it was a true story, we were taken back at how emotional the story was. A man is convicted for murder and sentenced to life in prison. His sister devotes her life to becoming a lawyer to prove his innocence.

It was a common opinion among us that Hilary Swank is extremely convincing in her role as Betty Anne, and the motion picture is one of the best we've ever seen . It was strong and moving from beginning to end. Needless to say; we highly recommend that you go see "Conviction" when it hits theatres.

You can see the trailer here: Conviction trailer

mandag 18. oktober 2010

Awesome neighbors

This post goes out to our lovely neighbors, Oddy, Patty and Andy ♡ They're really something to themselves! We enjoy their company, even though thy can be cruel to us sometimes... Hey boys, guess what? So can we!

So, Oddy hows the new season of Gossip Girl...?

...And Andy, hows the womens clothing working for you?... 

...Patty, how's virgin Mary doing? Still a bit sore? 

Sorry guys we're just kidding! We really just wanted to let you know how much me appreciate you! Today we had a lazy and boring Sunday, until you made our day. Candle light dinner and some good laughs is always nice - just what we needed! Rooolig boys ;)

Looking forward to more fun with "Nordlendingan" !!

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bug bite...  or in Andy's case, don't let Patty bite! Sharing beds is cozy, huh?

Hanauma Bay

Saturday, we went with Bettina, Linda and Tonje to Hanauma Bay - a protected marine life conservation. It's not everyday you see a scenery this beautiful!

There's a big living reef - perfect for scoobadiving. Of course we managed to leave our equipment at home... what a stupid move!

At least we could open our eyes under water...

...and we saw a lot of cute fish!

What up jelly? Hang loose!

Lisa doing some gymnastics!

Loving the Hawaiian life :)

Because of the strong current, the lifeguard recommended everybody to get out of the ocean...

...so the rest of the day, we just chilled at the beach.

While waiting for the bus back to Waikiki, Bettina had fun climbing trees! Quote: "This was a lot easier when I was 5!" Ps: can you find Lisa?

Bettinas 21st birthday bash!

Being under 21 isn't that much fun when you're in America. You basically have two options: lie about your age or be honest. Either way you're bound to get X'd. By that we mean this:

One big ass X on each hand to make sure you can't order any alcohol from the bar.  Well, what do we have mini vodka's for? Bettina was getting pro at stacking them in her purse, ordering a sprite or coke in the bar before making her way to the restroom to mix her own drink.

7th of October, Bettina fiiiiiinally turned 21, and erybody joined in for a whole weekend of celebration!

Thursday, we had dinner at Chili's with the Norwegian crew (minus a few). Some of us girls came early to decorate with balloons and leis (Hawaiian floral wreths). Some went out after, while others had school work... lame!

Saturday, it was time to go crazy... we went to a pre party at the girl's appartment at Waikiki Sunset. Around 15 girls and 4 boys... a drunken hot mess, but in a good way ;)

Our birthday present was an all nighter! First; the party starter: a good wine and a lei with small booze bottles! Then a vanilla body butter to get the smooth and velvety feel! Black panties to add a sexy touch! Then finally; to end the night in the best possible way (?) - a vibrator!

The girls were getting down and dirty with some old classics playing from the boombox!

"It's tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme, that's right, on time it's tricky... it's tr- tr- tr- tricky! Trrrrrrricky!"

Time to hit the club! We went to an opening of a place called "Crazybox". The DJ was killin' it!

This may look like an innocent girl...

...but nobody can bust moves like a drunk Bettina! This pic might not be the best represtentation, but trust us; baby got back!

Here's a little something something just so you get a feel of our awesome night:

Thanks for  the good time, everybody!! And Bettina - you know we love you!!

tirsdag 12. oktober 2010

A visit from Norway :)

Martine, my best friend from Norway, came down for a two week visit. I picked her up at the airport Thursday night, 23rd of September, and it was soo exciting to finally see her again  As you can see in our previous update, she was here for the trip to Kailua Beach and celebration of 1st friday in China Town. Here's some of the other stuff we did while she was here:

Shop till you drop - literally! We took a couple of trips to Ala Moana Shopping Center, which is partially outdoors with open-air corridors. Love it! There's lots to see here, but we definetly ended up spending the most time at Victoria's Secret. Martine came home with two big bags of clothes, bikinis and lingerie. 

Took a trolley ride home one night. SO much better then the buses that are filled with homeless people, drunkies and junkies.

We were having a real good time, feeling as if we were on a sightseeing tour...

...until a random Asian dude decided to fall asleep on my shoulder. He kept falling over from one side to the other. Creepy!

Of course Waikiki Beach was the place to be! We tried scoobadiving for the first time in Hawaii!

The second to last night of Martine's stay, we decided to check in at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. With the low currency, we were able to book one of the nicest rooms, in the signature "Rainbow tower". Deluxe ocean view from the 30th floor, two double sized beds, massage shower, flatscreen tv and a nice and breezy balcony... we were in heaven!!

We started off with a trip to the hotel's beach.

Then some chill-out time in our room. 

A "romantic"late dinner at the beach. New York steak on the menu.

A walk around the village. So much cool stuff. Restaurants, stores, a chapel, animals and several hotel buildings. The best hotel experience we've ever had.

We ended the night with some quality time in our room, enjoying the view and watching the movie "The Last Song". Since Martine stayed in the living room in our apartment, it was nice to have one night together, just the two of us! Staying up till 4 in the morning, not thinking about anything but enjoying ourselves - it was definetly the way to end Martines stay! Thursday, 7th of October, Martine went back home to Norway. I miss her already, but I really appreciate her coming all this way - just for a visit! Love that girl!